Volunteer Centre

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Volunteer Learning Library

The opportunity to learn new skills is often what attracts people to volunteering. In addition to the role-specific training offered by your chosen organisation, there is a wealth of free online learning available which can enhance your volunteering experience and benefit the people you support in our community.  

Introduction to Deaf Awareness

The National Deaf Children's Society offers a free 15-minute module about deaf awareness. It's a great way to start learning about deaf awareness and it provides some essential insights into deafness.

Click here for more details

Become a Friend Against Scams

Scams are a sad part of our every day life and we can all do our part to know what signs to look out for to keep ourselves, our family and our community safe. "Friends Against Scams is a National Trading Standards Scams Team initiative, which aims to protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams by empowering them to take a stand against scams"

                                                                         Click here for more details

Dementia Friends

You can learn about dementia and help our community by becoming a Dementia Friend. You can do this either by watching a short, online video or by attending a local information session.

                                                                        Click here for more details

How to guide someone with sight loss

Guide Dogs offers a wealth of resources, including instructional videos on how to guide someone with sight loss, navigating doorways, getting in and out of cars, going up or down stairs and more.

Click here for more details

Could you save a life?

The British Heart Foundation has useful guidance on their website to help you prepare should the unexpected happen, this includes learning CPR in 15 minutes and information on defibrillators. 

Click here for more details

The Dragonfly Project

"The Dragonfly Project develops community-based support for people affected by domestic abuse. Dragonfly champions are trained to provide a listening ear and a link to domestic abuse support agencies so that people who are isolated have access to help. PARAGON offers training for community members who want to offer signposting to various specialist services."

                                                                        Click here for more details

What to do when someone has a seizure

Epilepsy Action has a free short learning module on what to do when someone has a seizure. The learning covers absence, atonic, focal, myoclonic, tonic and tonic-clonic seizures.

                                                                        Click here for more details

If you're worried about someone else

Samaritans website has some useful information on what to do if you think someone isn't ok. This includes little tips on helping someone to open up when something's up and how to recognise and support someone who may be lonely. 

                                                                        Click here for more details

Volunteering Free Courses

OpenLearn, part of The Open University, offer a range of free courses to "expand your skills and knowledge and open the door to new opportunites in the world of volunteering".

                                                                        Click here for more details

Listen Up, Speak Up

It's up to all of us to keep children safe. Take NSPCC's free, 10-minute digital training and learn what to do if you are ever worried about a child or their family. 

Click here for more details


Online Courses

Here at the Volunteer Centre Dorset we are able to offer a range of FREE online courses, which volunteers in Dorset can complete at a time and date to suit. Courses do not need to be completed in one go. Online courses are offered via Virtual College with a certificate of completion provided. 

The courses we currently have available are listed below. Please click on the course name to read the course details from the Virtual College website. We can add new courses to our portfolio as well and are happy to consider requests for additional courses as required. 



Health & Safety


If you are a volunteer and would like to complete an online training course for your volunteering role, please email [email protected] for more information or use the button below. Please note we would need your full name, email address and choice of course(s) to enrol you on an online course. 


Volunteer Centre Dorset are thankful for the support from:

Dorset County Council
National Lottery Fund