Volunteer Centre

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Volunteer Centre Dorset hosts events and organises training for groups, organisations and the volunteers they support, these are offered on a no cost or low cost basis.

How do we run our training?

  • In Person -  These training courses are run by either a member of staff or a trainer is arranged. In person courses are arranged on an as-needed basis and at a location suitable for as many attendees as possible.
  • Virtual - Virtual training courses are also run by either a member of staff or a trainer is arranged. These take place via Teams or Zoom to enable people to attend without the need to travel.  
  • Online - We are able to offer a range of online courses which volunteers can complete at a time and date to suit. Courses do not need to be completed in one go. Online courses are provided via Virtual College with a certificate of completion provided. 

What training do we offer?

  • Safeguarding - This course enable participants to recognise and respond to vulnerable adults who may be at risk of harm. Participants will be made aware of their responsibilities within the context of their roles and organisations and generally explore the risks posed to those in our communities who are less able to protect themselves from harm. This course is available:
    • Online
    • Virtual - as an awareness course
    • In Person - as an awareness course or with an acredited trained (there may be a small cost towards this)
  • Volunteer Management - Recruiting and retaining volunteers requires investment and planning on the part of the organisations. We run courses periodically to share tools and ideas to assist ith this. This course is available:
    • Virtual
    • In Person
  • Emergency First Aid at WorkWe hold Emergency First Aid at Work courses in various locations throughout Dorset. The course can be delivered in person using presentations and practical workstations over one day. You will receive a qualification to include a certificate and proof of certification card, and is valid for three years. These national Awards for Emergency First Aid at Work satisfies the requirements of the regulatory body for First Aid – the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). All learners will have the skills and knowledge to provide the organisation with Emergency First Aider’s that can provide treatment to their casualties in a prompt, safe and effective manner. We are also able to offer this as one of the online courses from Virtual College. This course is available:
    • In Person - As this is run by an acredited trainer there may be a small cost towards this
    • Online
  • Trustee Training - Did you know that only 10% of Trustee roles are ever advertised and 90% of Trustees are recruited through word of mouth? Trustee training takes you through how to identify what Trustees you need, how to create an eye-catching role description as well as 20 ways to recruit. It also helps with your recruitment campaign, retention and succession planning. This course is available:
    • Virtual
    • In Person
  • Fire Warden Training -  The course provides the necessary knowledge to enable those personnel who successfully complete it to carry out the duties of a Fire Warden in a professional and competent manner. The course is suitable for Managers, Supervisors, Fire Wardens requiring initial or refresher training, or any member of staff who has a specific responsibility towards fire safety. This course is available:
    • In Person - As this is run by an acredited trainer there may be a small cost towards this
    • Online

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." ~ Confucius

If you wish to be informed when events and courses are being run please email [email protected]



Volunteer Centre Dorset are thankful for the support from:

Dorset County Council
National Lottery Fund