Volunteer Centre

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Your organisation and the coronavirus (covid-19)


10th March 2020

As the coronavirus (covid-19) situation develops, your organisation should be planning how best to keep your employees, volunteers, supporters and beneficiaries informed and protected.

To help, we have collated guidance on what steps you may need to take:


What’s the best way to prevent the spread of the virus? 

What do you need to do to protect staff, volunteers and visitors?

Should your employees take sick leave? 

Should you cancel your events?

How can you support your beneficiaries/service users?

How you can develop a contingency plan and how will your insurance be impacted?

Will there be financial implications? 

How are charities helping? 


Click here to view our guidance and more information

Other News

Volunteer Centre Dorset are thankful for the support from:

Dorset County Council
National Lottery Fund